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Lando also provides wrapper commands called lando pull and lando push.

With lando pull you can import data and download files from your remote Pantheon site. With lando push you can do the opposite, export data or upload files to your remote Pantheon site.

Note that only database relationships are currently syncable.


Lando provides a command for Pantheon sites called lando pull to get your database and files.

If you do not specify --code, --database or --files then lando will use the environment associated with your currently checked out git branch.

On a database pull, Lando will attempt to clear the cache of the remote environment (unless it is the live environment) to minimize the size of the import.

Note that if Lando cannot find a Pantheon machine token associated with your site, it will prompt you for one. You can also switch to a different machine token by using the --auth option.


# Pull the latest code, database and files
# This will pull the environment associated with your currently checked out git branch
lando pull

# Skip a code merge
lando pull --code=none

# Pull only the database from the test environment
lando pull --database=test --files=none

# Pull only the files
lando pull --database=none

# Pull only the latest files without grabbing a files backup
lando pull --database=none --rsync

# Do the above but with different auth
lando pull --auth "$PANTHEON_MACHINE_TOKEN" --database=none --rsync


--auth          Pantheon machine token
--clear         Clears the lando tasks cache
--code, -c      The environment from which to pull the code
--database, -d  The environment from which to pull the database
--files, -f     The environment from which to pull the files
--help          Shows lando or delegated command help if applicable
--rsync         Rsync the files, good for subsequent pulls
--verbose, -v   Runs with extra verbosity

Table Prefixes

Pantheon explicitly does not support table prefixes for Drupal or Wordpress. If you've ended up with table prefixes (you scoundrel), lando pull will fail with the error Couldn't find expected tables (<table name>) because it will not be able to detect your users table for the post-pull health check. The database contents will have been transferred, but things that should happen after that ("the ole post-migration search-replace on WordPress", pulling files) will not happen. To fix this, set LANDO_DB_USER_TABLE to the correct user table name in your env. For example, for prefix xyz_:

      LANDO_DB_USER_TABLE: xyz_users

Please consult the manual import documentation below if this command produces an error.

Manually Importing Your DB and Files

You will want to the replace MYSITE and MYENV below with the Pantheon site and environment from which you want to import.


# Remove lingering DB dumps
lando ssh -c "rm -f /app/database.sql.gz"

# Create a new backup of your database
# If you've created a db backup recently this step is not needed.
lando terminus backup:create MYSITE.MYENV --element=db

# Download and import backup of the database
lando terminus backup:get MYSITE.MYENV --element=db --to=/app/database.sql.gz
lando db-import database.sql.gz

You can learn more about the db-import command over here.


# Remove the DB dump
lando ssh -c "rm -f /tmp/files.sql.gz"

# Create a new backup of your files
# If you've created a files backup recently this step is not needed.
lando terminus backup:create MYSITE.MYENV --element=files

# Download and extract backup of the files
lando terminus backup:get MYSITE.MYENV --element=files --to=/tmp/files.tar.gz
# Import your files
# Please be aware the following paths are not valid if you are using a nested webroot in your Pantheon recipe.

lando ssh -c "mkdir -p /app/sites/default/files"
lando ssh -c "tar -xzvf /tmp/files.tar.gz -C /app/sites/default/files --strip-components 1"

lando ssh -c "mkdir -p /app/files"
lando ssh -c "tar -xzvf /tmp/files.tar.gz -C /app/files --strip-components 1"

lando ssh -c "mkdir -p /app/wp-content/uploads"
lando ssh -c "tar -xzvf /tmp/files.tar.gz -C /app/wp-content/uploads --strip-components 1"

You can alternatively download the backup and manually extract it to the correct location.


While a best practices workflow suggests you put all your changes in code and push those changes with git, Lando provides a utility command for pantheon recipes called lando push that pushes up any code, database or files changes you have made locally.

By default, we set --database or --files to none since this is the suggested best practice.

Note that if Lando cannot find a Pantheon machine token associated with your site, it will prompt you for one. You can also switch to a different machine token by using the --auth option.


# Push the latest code, database and files
# This will push the environment associated with your currently checked out git branch
lando push

# Push the latest code, database and files with a description of the change
lando push -m "Updated the widget to do awesome thing x"

# Push only the database and code
lando push --files=none

# Push only the files and code
lando push

# Do the above but with different auth
lando push --auth "$PANTHEON_MACHINE_TOKEN" --database=none


--auth          Pantheon machine token
--clear         Clears the lando tasks cache
--code, -c      The environment to which the code will be pushed
--database, -d  The environment to which the database will be pushed
--files, -f     The environment to which the files will be pushed
--help          Shows lando or delegated command help if applicable
--message, -m   A message describing your change
--verbose, -v   Runs with extra verbosity